Tuesday evening. I'm en route to the theatre again as Artisan has been invited to watch the 10th Anniversary performance of Wicked. Not only that, but we are also catering the desserts for the after party celebrations at the Tate Britain... no pressure!
We head to the theatre and emerge from the crowds at Victoria station to, well, to more crowds! The outside of the theatre has masses queuing, on a green carpet. We head up the green carpet and into the foyer where everything is lit in a rather bright shade of green. Phew, good job the salted caramel tarts we are providing are also a rather phosphorescent shade of green too!
We take our seats to watch the show. The theatre is buzzing and we can't help but get excited for the performance that is about to take place. And what a show it was. All the magic of the Wizard of Oz with all the glitz and glamour of the stage. At the end of the show, the entire cast takes to the stage along with the cast members of the previous 10 years. The stage is full. I wonder if all of the Artisan team for the last 10 years would be as large. Finally, with all on stage, hundreds of green balloons and glitter are released onto the wild crowd.
Post show in the lobby we catch up with a few old friends and then make our way to the Tate Britain. Umm... at least that's where we think it is. Pretty sure it wasn't glowing green when we dropped off the tarts earlier! But in true Wicked style they have made everything green, even this glorious landmark.
We enter and the room is filled with cast, their friends and family and a whole host of other faces. This is definitely going to be a party and a half! No wonder they requested hundreds of tarts, the room is full to the brim. After a couple of fizzy pops and a nibble on some savoury snacks, out come our contribution to the evening's celebrations; our salted caramel ganache tarts with a sprinkle of magic, a dusting of bright green glitter.
It's a joy to see them passed around and people enjoying, including some of the cast we've just watched on stage. We catch our dear friend Lucy Choi with one too and she gives her thumbs up.
Before we know it it's almost 2am, all the tarts have been devoured and the party is drawing to a close. We leave the glowing building with our eyes now glowing green. We just hope our sight returns to normal by the morning or we could end up with some rather odd colour chocolates for the next few days!
Have a wicked week,
Miss Anne.